The ValldE's Workstations

Korg O1 WFD

All the tracks up to 2022 are made entirely with this wonderful keyboard, with its 16-track sequencer, the characteristic "cliko, cliko" sound of its buttons and its worn-out LCD screen, it still gives a lot of war, despite its 29 years with me already...

vallde's korg o1 wfd

Roland FANTOM8

This new wonder is giving a very good response, also with its 16-track sequencer, but with much more polyphony and rather more evolved sounds, or its multi-coloured touch screen, not to mention the assignment of effects and all the other tools it incorporates, although, I miss the linear concept of the Korg's sequencer, jumping from one time signature to another one and being able to work on it, we still don't know each other completely, but give us some time.... 

the vallde's fantom8